kiasu parents psle 2010

Latest News About Update Kiasu Parents: Maths is a very structured subject and also can be very abstract, difficult to relate to in real life. The structure in Maths is useful in that it is possible to spot patterns in the numbers and also to sequence the learning that is to build step-wise through related areas. For example, counting is the foundation of number work and it is impossible to move on to addition and subtraction before counting and the knowledge of numbers are clear in a child’s mind. The advantage of Maths is that step-wise building can make learning easy. The disadvantage is that the processes in Maths like multiplication, do not readily translate into what happens in real life. For the understanding of what a bus is in real life, an image of a bus comes into the mind when the word is said. For many young children, the image of 3X2 may not be as clear as to when it is presented like this.
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kiasu parents psle 2010