New zodiac signs 2011

New zodiac signs 2011-New Zodiac Signs 2011: latest update news about ophiuchus, new zodiac signs, zodiac signs, new zodiac sign dates, new zodiac sign. There’s quite the fuss about whether or not the new zodiac signs that were released today means your astrological sign changed. People everywhere are having an identity crisis. Am I a Gemini or a Taurus? Am I a Virgo or a Leo? What does it all mean?

Well, Professor Parke Kunkle of the Minnesota Planetarium Society opened his mouth and said the Zodiac had a problem with the dates. Not only is the Earth aligned differently today than it was in 3000 BC, but we’ve also been leaving the constellation Ophiuchus out of the equation

New zodiac signs 2011

New zodiac signs 2011