Robert schimmel dead biography

Robert schimmel a celebrated comedian is no more in the list of living human beings rather he is dead after leading a tragic life. He was born in 16 January, 1950 and he was of 60 when he died. His performance and comedy on HBO is remarkable. He was a god gifted person who better utilized his talent through comedy.

Robert schimmel spend an unhappy life that was full of tensions and difficulties and tragedies in his life seem to achieve an obvious place. He was the husband of two wives first Vickie schimmel with whom he got married in 1977 and he was of 27 at that time and who gave him four children. One of children passed away at the age of 11 due to cancer. It was a disastrous event of Robert schimmel,s life which he never forget throughout his life.
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Robert schimmel dead biography

Robert schimmel dead biography